Dr. Ellen has added a new feature to the Willi BLOG, called 'Willi' Alerts. When you see this shot of Willi with the Tricorn Hat, you will know that Willi is talking to you about something very important.
Today, WIlli wants all dog owners to be sure to take their dogs in at night, and not leave them outside in freezing temperatures. Even FLORIDA is having freezing temperatures today, so you know that much of the United States is also experiencing it.
Dogs need to be brought inside during winter storm conditions. A dog's feet can get cold very quickly, especially on thin-coated dogs, and they can't endure the cold for long. They will get hypothermia (where their body temperature gets very low) and even frostbite. Animals can die of hypothermia!
So don't go to bed without first bringing in your dog so that he, too, can have a good, warm night's sleep!
If you see an animal left out in the cold, ask your parents to speak to its owner about bringing it inside for the duration of the storm. Bark! Bark!